As specialists in various process heaters, Our Partner BD Energy Systems services include the analysis, design, supply, and construction of fired heaters for a variety of applications, including:
- Atmospheric Furnaces
- Vacuum Distillation Unit Furnaces
- Hot Oil Heaters
- Platforming Heaters
- Propane Dehydrogenation Heaters (PDH)
- Coker Heaters
- Process Gas Heaters (such as DRI Reheat/Reforming furnaces)
- Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG)
With an interest in improved thermal efficiency and reduced emissions, new and existing plants alike are increasingly wanting to explore the inclusion or addition of Low or Ultra-low NOx burners, SCR systems, and Air Preheaters. BD Energy Systems, together with BD Heat Recovery, a leading supplier of compact Combustion Air Preheaters, provides a full range of solutions for both existing and new fired heater projects. BD Energy Systems capabilities in executing a turn-key project worldwide offers great advantage to clients who wants to execute lump sum projects.
Other products
- Steam Methane Reformers
- Transferlines – Steam Methane Reformers
- Fired Heaters
- Pyrolysis Cracking Furnaces
- Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System
- Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) System
- Waste Heat Recovery Units (WHRU)
- Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG)